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Objects of Love

In a world where mass production often overshadows individuality, the beauty of handcrafted creations shines brighter than ever. From exceptional craftsmanship and sustainable practices to the positive impact on local communities, each of these unique objects has a story to tell. Whether you're drawn to eco-friendly materials, intrigued by the artistry of skilled artisans, or passionate about supporting ethical brands, there's something truly special about owning a piece that embodies care, tradition, and purpose. In this article, we invite you to discover the labor of love behind these special pieces and explore the meaningful stories they carry.


Camisa de crochê Okea

A filosofia de design da Baziszt está enraizada na crença de que o verdadeiro luxo está nos detalhes, cada peça de roupa é uma obra de arte que incorpora a dedicação da marca à qualidade e ao artesanato.

Esta camisa de crochê feita à mão é a prova da excepcional habilidade e dedicação de sua equipe de artesãos na Índia.

O padrão intrincado em forma de renda é tecido a partir do o melhor algodão de origem sustentável, e cada detalhe é cuidadosamente pensado, com franjas aplicadas à mão e crochê cobrindo cada um dos seis botões. A Baziszt abraça a sustentabilidade como um valor fundamental, criando roupas únicas que contam histórias de arte e herança, mas que são feitas para viver no presente e por muitos anos vindouros.

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Vela Akosua L

Um verdadeiro nariz com mais de 25 anos de experiência, Ilse Vandeputte sempre foi fascinada por aromas, texturas e luz onírica. Uma viagem exótica à África a inspirou a criar ONNO, uma marca elogiada mundialmente por trabalhar apenas com as melhores matérias-primas.

Cada vela é feita à mão na Bélgica por artesãos qualificados, usando pura cera mineral e fina cera egípcia. mechas de algodão e despejadas em recipientes de vidro artesanais produzidos com o máximo respeito ao meio ambiente.

O sublime corte manual desta coleção é feito com duas camadas de vidro, em duas cores diferentes, criando um ambiente aconchegante efeito de queima de tom, apesar do exterior branco nítido. Na verdade, quando Akosua é acesa, as chamas criam um deslumbrante brilho de verão que lembra o pôr do sol, daí o nome Akosua, que significa “nascido no domingo” na língua Akan de Gana.

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Ciotola Bowl e Terracota Pitcher

All'Origine viaja por toda a Europa em busca de objetos únicos com o mesmo espírito de exploração de Indiana Jones.

Não aceitando nada por concedido, mas acreditando que qualquer coisa pode ser encontrada em qualquer lugar.

Uma coisa é certa, quando encontrados, todos estes objetos representam, de uma forma muito genuína, uma forma de viver mais simples, uma ideia de frugalidade que nos lembra que muitas vezes as coisas mais importantes da vida são os mais simples.

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Glorinha Paranaguá

Clutch Tania

At the age of 64, after a lifetime of travels with her diplomat husband, Glorinha Paranaguá returned to Brazil and created the iconic bamboo clutch, paying homage to Brazilian craftsmanship and the country she had missed so dearly. "It took two years to achieve perfection. She wanted a hit, and she got it," recalls her daughter-in-law, Naná Paranaguá, who helms the brand together with her daughter, since Glorinha’s passing in 2019.

The signature bag is labouriously handmade juxtaposing dozens of little pieces of bamboo.

It features a full grosgrain interior, as well as a silk tassel, available in multiple colours to perfectly complement any outfit.

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Studio Bongard

Fish Sculpture

Anglo-Portuguese Tara Bongard and Swiss Sylvain Bongard have both chosen Portugal as their home, her in 2025, him in 1980. Together, they created Studio Bongard and through their artistic background and profound appreciation for nature, started interpreting local wildlife, fauna, and the human form.

Each ceramic sculpture is individually moulded by hand in stoneware clay, then undergo a twelve-hour firing process, followed by an anxious 24-hour cooling time before the kiln door can be opened and the magic can be revealed.

Creating from photographic memory, the Bongards capture the essence of the surrounding nature. The unique colours and textures are achieved using natural materials like wood ash from local oak trees, dirt, sand, and seaweed from the Portuguese coast, creating one-off results that awaken the senses.

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Beatle Beaded Necklace

Founded in 2018 by fashion moguls Molly Molloy and Lucinda Chambers, Colville quickly made its mark in the fashion world with its avant-garde approach to contemporary clothing and accessories, standing as a proud antithesis to the transient nature of fast fashion.

Through inclusive collaborations with local artisans from Dakar to Colombia and Morocco, Colville crafts pieces that captivate the eye, stir the imagination, and touch both the conscience and the heart.

This one-of-kind necklace was born from a collaboration with a talented young couple who specializes in Venetian handblown glass. Each bead, a masterpiece in itself and no two are alike. The robust glass, made to last a lifetime, offers a symphony of delicate sounds as the beads gently clink together.

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Crochet Ballerinas

Founded in 2017 by German designer Katharina, Kashura is an independent accessories label based in Milan, Kashura that embodies timeless elegance and individual style without the restrictions of gender, age, or conventional fashion norms.

These crochet ballerina shoes are meticulously handcrafted in Italy, taking an entire day to craft and hand-dye with natural ingredients, ensuring that each piece is unique and eco-friendly.

Focusing on quality over quantity, Kashura produces limited quantities, avoiding waste and offering customers unique accessories that are not widely available.

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Officine Creative

Agorà Brown Leather Slides

Officine Creative's Agora Brown Leather Slides are a refined fusion of contemporary design and Italian craftsmanship.

Ingeniously crafted from a single piece of premium Italian leather, consciously treated with a vegetable tan, they are hand-finished to achieve a supple texture and a natural patina, ensuring that each pair is unique and will develop their own character over time.

The cutout edges of the leather are hand-burnished for a smooth finish. Each pair is made using environmentally conscious methods and ethically sourced materials, ensuring a responsible footprint.

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Quinta do Lago: five decates being "it"

Quinta do Lago: five decates being "it"

The real estate agent was late. Maybe it would be best to give up, maybe there was no point. He could be putting his time to better use, instead of just waiting there. But the agent arrived, at the...

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Comporta: Portugal's Hidden Gem for Unforgettable Escapes at Fashion Clinic

Comporta: A (not so) well-kept secret

Wherever you go in Alcácer do Sal, it’s easy to find somebody who’ll say they’ve had an encounter with a light. A serene, very bright light that accompanies people on their journeys at night. The l...

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